Cough Relief Tea 止咳化痰茶 80g


– Formulated with classic prescriptions

– Clears heatiness and nourishes lungs

– Relieves cough and asthma

– Regulate qi and clear phlegm

– Suitable for dry chesty cough, phlegm, chest tightness,

sore throat, hoarse voice, etc.

止咳化痰茶是根据经典方剂所调配。 主要作用在清热润肺,

止咳平喘,理气化痰。 适用于肺燥之咳嗽,痰多,胸闷,

咽喉痛痒,声音沙哑等症。 功效:滋润化痰,养颜排毒,


Cough relief tea is formulated according to classic prescriptions.

The main objective is to clear heat and nourishes lungs,

relieve cough and asthma, and regulate qi and clear phlegm.

It is suitable for dry chesty cough, phlegm, chest tightness,

sore throat, hoarse voice, etc. Efficacy: Nourishes lungs,

Detox, Relief throat discomfort.

SKU: 8888881360090 Category:
